Mission De Lamie

Since Dec 2023 to January 2024, I undertook the responsibility of content creation, post design, and online store management for a Lamie Flowres . Here’s an overview of my involvement:

Content Creation: I curated compelling content tailored to the flower shop’s brand and target audience. This involved brainstorming creative ideas for social media posts, Highlights and Reels that showcased the shop’s floral arrangements, promotions, and events.

Post Design: Leveraging my design skills, I crafted visually appealing posts to captivate the audience and drive engagement. Using graphic design tools, I created eye-catching visuals, including images, graphics, and animations, that complemented the shop’s aesthetic and conveyed its unique selling points effectively.

Online Store Management: As part of my role, I also oversaw the management of the flower shop’s online store. This involved updating product listings, optimizing product descriptions and images, and coordinating with the fulfillment team to ensure seamless order processing and delivery.

Collaboration and Communication: Throughout the project, I collaborated closely with the flower shop’s team to align content creation and online store management efforts with their overall marketing goals and objectives. Clear communication and coordination ensured that initiatives were executed efficiently and effectively.

Overall, my involvement in content creation, post design, and online store management for the flower shop contributed to enhancing its online presence, driving engagement, and ultimately, boosting sales and customer satisfaction.

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